Animal Bites
Animal Bite Reporting
As stated in Jackson County Ordinance #59, it is the duty of the owner of any dog, cat, or another animal that has been bitten or attacked by a person, or any person having knowledge of such bit or attack, to report this act to the Health Department or a law enforcement official. Any law enforcement official receiving such information shall report it immediately to the Health Department. To the extent such matters are not privileged, it shall be the duty of physicians and veterinarians to report to the Jackson County Health Department the existence of any animal known or suspected to be suffering from rabies.
Law enforcement officials, physicians, healthcare practitioners, and veterinarians should complete a Jackson County Animal Bite/Bat Exposure Record and forward the form to the Jackson County Health Department. Animal bites and bat exposure can increase the risk of a person being exposed to rabies. Visit the Iowa Health & Human Services website for additional information.
Report an Animal Bite/Bat Exposure
Rabies & Animal Bite Prevention
Protect yourself and your pet from rabies.
- All dogs must be vaccinated against rabies at 6 months of age.
- All cats should be vaccinated against rabies too.
- Keep your pet’s rabies vaccination current.
- Keep your dog or cat on a leash or confined on your property.
- Never try to break up a fight between a dog/cat and any other animal.
- Do not approach or pet stray dogs or cats that you don’t know.
- Avoid petting or playing with animals on hot days when they may be irritable.
- All bites must be reported to the Health Department by calling 563-652-1729