Official Website for Jackson County, Iowa
Official Website for Jackson County, Iowa
Jackson County, Iowa
GIS Coordinator
Jackson County Courthouse
201 West Platt Street
Maquoketa, IA 52060
A geographic information system(GIS) is a computer mapping system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information (i.e. spatial data).
Local governments (Counties/Cities) typically involve a variety of agencies including assessors, auditors, engineering, planning, public works, public safety, recorders, treasurers, and zoning.
These agencies are relying more on GIS technology to plan new land developments, determine tax valuations, maintain real estate land records, manage public works networks, route emergency vehicles, analyze crime and accident patterns, manage transportation systems and study environmental issues.
The GIS Coordinator will work in planning, organizing, and directing GIS activities within Jackson County, Iowa. The Coordinator will report to the Jackson County, Iowa GIS Commission Chair.
Work involves responsibility for providing technical expertise and supervision for the day-to-day implementation and operation of GIS within the context of programs and policy directives.
Duties also include coordinating GIS activities of all departments, managing GIS vendor contracts, planning and organizing system development activities and other GIS project management activities.
The public is welcome to access GIS data through our web-based viewer at
Simply select Jackson County, Iowa from the dropdown menu and navigate to View Map to pull up an interactive map. This map is updated daily and new layers are constantly being added.
Several counties store GIS data on the Iowa GIS Data Repository where it is publicly accessible free of charge.
Jackson County GIS is in the process of uploading all of our vector (point, line, and polygon) data and scheduling regular updates to continuously provide high quality and up to date information.
Most of the data displayed on Beacon will be available for download.
Check it out at Governmental and tax supported entities can also gain access to high resolution ortho-imagery through Eagle View Technologies’ Pictometry Online, at no additional cost.
For more information contact Jackson County GIS Coordinator
The Jackson County GIS office will provide public data sets and map services to individuals and organizations for the cost of materials and time spent developing particular requests. Individual project or map design requests can be submitted by email, phone or in person to the GIS office and will be evaluated on a case
by case basis. See attached fee schedule for specific breakdown of fees and exceptions