Burn Ban Effective March 12th at 8:00amMore Information


Find information on Jackson County property records and geographic data requests through the Geographical Information System (GIS).

Data Request

If you would like to request GIS data from Jackson County, please e-mail jtracy@jacksoncounty.iowa.gov with a description of the information you are hoping to receive. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Please be aware of the following:

The data presented are aggregated from a wide variety of sources. We have attempted to integrate these various data sources as closely as possible. Each agency providing data may have their own internal standards for accuracy and timeliness, thus the GIS department cannot guarantee the degree to which the various data sources agree with each other. You may find that parcel lines may not line up exactly with aerial photography or census boundaries.  Each of these data sources must be considered on their own, for their own purposes, but comparisons among them may not be directly possible, and some manual interpretation may be necessary.

There are also timing issues to work around, data sources may not be updated with the same frequency. Timing can even be an issue among county departments when the GIS office could have parcel data drawn in and the Assessor's data may not be updated concurrently, causing recently modified parcels to have a discrepancy in the same data set.

GIS data sets are ongoing and constantly changing, they will never be completed. The GIS Department makes every attempt to keep the data as current and accurate as possible, but this data cannot be considered an authoritative source of data.

Reporting a Discrepancy

It is possible that there are some errors in the system. If you find one, please e-mail jtracy@jacksoncounty.iowa.gov and include the following information:

  • Tax Description of the property in error (i.e. NW 1/4 of Section 08 of Jackson Township)
  • PIN (Parcel Identification Number - 15-digit number)
  • Description of the error (i.e. My parcel is not shown as the correct size on the GIS maps)
  • Your proposed idea for correction (i.e. My parcel is 120 feet wide, not 60 feet wide)
  • Error reporting will only be accepted via e-mail due to the nature by which the GIS has been made available (online).

Accessing GIS Data - Public

The public is welcome to access GIS data through our web-based viewer. 

Simply select Jackson County, Iowa from the dropdown menu and navigate to View Map to pull up an interactive map. This map is updated daily and new layers are constantly being added.

Several counties store GIS data on the Iowa GIS Data Repository where it is publicly accessible free of charge. 

Jackson County GIS is in the process of uploading all of our vector (point, line, and polygon) data and scheduling regular updates to continuously provide high-quality and up-to-date information. 

Most of the data displayed on Beacon will be available for download. 

Beacon GIS

Accessing GIS Data - Governmental & Tax-Supported Entities

Governmental and tax-supported entities can also gain access to high-resolution ortho-imagery through Eagle View Technologies’ Pictometry Online, at no additional cost.  

Iowa GIS Data

Additional Information

For more information, contact the Jackson County GIS Coordinator.

Individual project or map design requests can be submitted by email and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Jackson County Courthouse 201 W. Platt St.
Maquoketa, IA 52060
Contact Us
Courthouse Hours M-F 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Closed Holidays
Department Hours May Vary