Emergency Management
1700 E. Maple St
Maquoketa, IA 52060
Driving Directions
Contact Information
563-652-4949 (Fax)
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Holiday Closures
Our Team
Services provided by the Jackson County, Iowa Emergency Management Agency (EMA) and Homeland Security office include addressing hazards:
- Natural: Blizzards, tornadoes, and floods
- Public Health: Disease outbreak in our citizens and livestock
- Terrorism: People who intend to hurt our community and destroy our economy
We work with companies, jurisdictions, schools, and private citizens.
Four Phases
The Emergency Management Agency activities are divided into four phases that form a cycle.
Mitigation: Includes actions taken to prevent or reduce the cause, impact, and consequences of disasters
Preparedness: Includes planning, training, and educational activities for events that cannot be mitigated
Response: Occurs in the immediate aftermath of a disaster
Recovery: Restoration efforts occur concurrently with regular operations and activities